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Frequently asked questions
How is Vital Edge different from other programs?

Traditional identification of website traffic is:

- Anonymous website statistics are delivered in bulk without the unique identification of individuals. You might see total numbers of visitors, browsers, etc., with no ability to understand who is being attracted to your website.

- Anonymously remarketable cookies allow 3rd parties (like Facebook, for instance) to identify your website traffic and submit ads for a fee, but you would not own the prospect information.

- Volunteer only web visitors could choose to submit an email address for a coupon or other opt-in offer. Typically, only 2% of website traffic self-identifies in this way.

Vital Edge is a first-party data provider that delivers a marketable contact list from your website traffic. The data is yours to keep, analyze, and market. The money is on the list. Know your prospects and reach the 8.3 contacts it takes to make a sale.

How does Vital Edge work?

1. Generate a unique pixel for your application with one click.
2. Place the pixel on your website (don’t know how? It’s easy. Yes, you can use tag manager).
3. The pixel identifies the device ID that the prospect is using to browse and tracks the user’s website session.
Vital Edge instantly obtains consent-driven information for the device and compiles a list of your website's users.
4. Vital Edge delivers your new, timely contact list to you through your Customer Relationship Management system.
5. Use the data to omnichannel remarket via email, social media, direct mail, etc.

How does Vital Edge use consent-based marketing?

Each device used to visit your site has a device ID. Vital Edge finds that device ID and can instantly access consumer information,  including contact information, browsing behavior, and 100+ data categories. More than 60% of consumers consented to the sharing of this information, from email addresses to mailing addresses and age to income bracket. Vital Edge uses this centralization of data to build a 360-degree view of these potential customers, so you can remarket to them most effectively.

What’s happening with cookies?

The cookie is crumbling. Already abandoned by Firefox and Safari in response to concerns over user privacy, in 2024, third-party cookie-based marketing will be phased out by Google Chrome, too. As Chrome is the most popular browser, we have yet to see the full impact of a cookie-less marketing future. Vital Edge technology is cookie-free and uses consent-based marketing, which means users have granted permission to use their data, thereby allaying privacy concerns. This allows for a much more meaningful remarketing strategy, which successfully delivers welcome impressions to over 60% of business-to-consumer site visitors.

What are the email deliverability statistics on these leads?

Email deliverability varies by industry, but, in general, emails that are automatically triggered in real time based on website visits are more deliverable than lists (even your own carefully cultivated lists!). As first-party data, Vital Edge contacts are current, so email campaigns delivered to contacts constructed by the pixel experience fewer deliverability problems like bounces and opt-outs. Vital Edge data is updated and appended daily for relevancy.

Is there any downside to putting the Vital Edge pixel on my website?

No, the Vital Edge pixel won’t disrupt your website's operations. The snippet of code is solely for identifying the devices that visit your website. It’s easy to install and, similarly to conversion tracking pixels, can be placed by a methodology that suits your website administration, such as Google Tag Manager.

Is Vital Edge safe?

Yes, Vital Edge complies with privacy policies, as well as the CCPA (the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018) and the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003.

So, we have the data… now what?

VitalEdge provides you with a list of prospects – hot leads who found your site because they are actively researching your product offering right now – packed with robust data such as contact  information and demographics. Contact cards are then uploaded to your CRM, so you can market and remarket your list however you like! Good follow-up strategies include email indoctrination sequences, display ads, direct mail, and phone calls.

What’s the difference between 1st-Party, 2nd-Party, and 3rd-Party data?

First-party data is information gathered by you, including website visit information or other direct interaction with a consumer. Second-party data is acquired from a partner, building a more complete view of your customer. Third-party data is information entirely separate from your brand’s interaction (think: buying a list to market to) The intersection of these data types means you are starting with an audience most relevant to you and adding critical partner information to inform your follow-up process and ability, both efficiently and effectively!

Does the data retrieval work for both business-to-consumer and business-to-business marketing?

Vital Edge is set up to retrieve data from consumers. It is not intended for B2B data retrieval.

How does the pixel work?

Vital Edge integrates a database of consumers who have opted in to receive marketing offers from affiliates based on their unique interests in particular products and services. The pixel technology is triggered when someone visits a website. The pixel then looks at the visitor’s IP address and device ID, then matches it back to a permissioned opt-in allowing sharing of information.

Is my data exposed?

Consumers identified by VitalEdge have opted in to receive messages and offers from third parties. Vital Edge only shares data with vetted brands and businesses that comply with strict privacy standards, and consumers may opt out at any time.

Where does the data come from?

Vital Edge collects data from all available worldwide data sets, including 4 billion records and 230 million households. All consumer information has been double opted-in.

How do we filter out our existing contacts from newly identified visitors, so we don’t start remarketing to them again?

Your Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) or email system has settings to allow you to set up import rules that automatically filter and identify duplicate contacts and opted-out contacts.